Hi there 👋
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make DIRI service even better for you. How would you rate your experience?
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make DIRI service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make DIRI service even better for you.
changed title "
Risikomatrisenavbilderrisikoenefeil"description "Risikomatrisen avbilder hendelser feil. hendelser med lav konsekvens og sannsynlighet blir representert som kritiske i risikomatrisen. Dette gjelder matrisen som vises på dashbord og matrisen som vises i Risikovurderingsprosess under Risikovurdering/(Risikovurdering fra listen). Riskmatrix depicts events/risks wrong. Events with low concequence and probability are represented as critical in the riskmatrix. This applies to the matrix on dashboard and the matrix under risk assesment process when selecting a risk assesment from the list."changed title "
RisikmatrixRiskmatrix depicts risks wrong "Thank you for the report. This issue is fixed but not yet deployed. We need to fix another stability issue with the risk assessment before deploying.
We are aware of the problem and we understand the criticality and value of this function. We are working on a fix.
Fixed and deployed to prod.